2021-12-05 Meeting Summary - Thirr Valley NPCing, Obainat river


Proposed Agenda

Future Releases

  • TV NPC claims
    • The Hlan Oek Zenithar cult should be discussed more before NPCing. After discussion with Infragris and Thomas, the Knights of Iron from High Rock might be a bad fit and a (perhaps more Nibenese) Zenithar cult should probably be substituted (no real effect on interiors).
  • possibly more Narsis/Shipal-shin interior claim discussions.
  • Sorting out which cites have which guild halls
    • Thieves Guild
    • Morag Tong
    • How much do the Temple and Cult need this?
  • Resolving more Imperial Cult issues, perhaps up to a Template Meeting
    • IC shrines start appearing in Thirr Valley and need a better overarching characterisation
    • Hlaalu Nine Divine altars
    • The faction endgame
  • Same thing for the Psijjic Order.
    • Requires Infragris and a whole lot of lore-aware people.

Meeting Notes

Thirr Valley NPCing general notes

  • various plantations would be engaged in rivalry and competition, with Ivul Hleryn being involved in the rivalry. Plantations will probably be rolled into nearby settlement claims, but a separate plantation claim is also possible, especially if there’s a larger density of them.
  • Nav Andaram will probably be handled either along with Narsis or later, when the Hlaalu questline is developed that far.
  • Hlaalu bonemold sets that haven’t been made may need to be added in retroactive (easy enough with NPCs)
  • in general, the DoD dialogue claims will be used as a template for the TV design claims, but need to be adjusted to fit the different region and topics. (For example, the generic dialogue claim).

Dialogue Claims

  • Hlan Oek
  • Idathren
  • Othmura, which should have a ferry service for crossing the Thirr, includes this plantation in service of the local noble:

  • Ald Iuval and Ald Marak
  • Ud Hleryn. Two of the nearby plantations are owned by the Vedas family from Narsis:

  • Sadrathim, including the nearby plantation and Hlaalu tower:

  • Wilderness, with dungeons such as Hlarandar with its resident lich and possibly Vandirelyon, though its dialogue could be handled via its quest claim. Also stray plantations and the Hlaalu ferry.
  • Generic dialogue

Faction Claims

  • Mages Guild, with a minor hall in Idathren investigating Varashimmus and a normal one in Othmura
  • Fighters Guild in Ud Hleryn
  • Temple in Hlan Oek, Othmura, Ald Iuval and Ud Hleryn
  • Imperial Cult with ideally a few simple quests each related to the respective divine’s theme:
    • Hlan Oek's Zenithar Cult, which needs some more conceptualization -- not Knights of Iron -- would probably have the most quest content.
    • Sadrathim (Stendarr)
    • Ud Hleryn (Dibella)
  • House Hlaalu could probably have some quests dealing with local plantation rivalries and relations with House Redoran.
  • House Redoran in Ald Iuval and Ald Marak. It might be nice to have a few quests here for Redoran players. Obvious themes would be Hlaalu relations and Indoril relations (as part of the Thirr River Conflict) and the various ex-Redoran and Redoran diaspora in the area.
  • Morag Tong has an Ald Iuval guild hall which could do with a few writs. Nothing too fancy, just following the vanilla model.


  • Thieves Guild? The guild struggles to establish a foothold anywhere on Morrowind, and in Thirr Valley is unlikely to have any permanent presence.
  • Possible other tongs? The Free Scholars Guild could have a presence and offer some stealth-oriented gameplay to make up for a lack of Thieves Guild, for instance.
  • Imperial Legion? Should we have any Legion quest content for stuff like the Ud Hleryn garrison?

Obainat Dried River

The general course of the seasonal stream, with only the solid line in the south containing water.

The mostly dried up river necessary for the Obainat quests (especially Wicked Water Woes) will be re-added in the course of the Roth-roryn redo. This should be a priority, because it is one of the few places where the redo is blocking quest development. In general, edits to the region should be made in a way so that these local quests will still function: