
Hlaalu guards in Andothren manors and Omaynis still wearing Armun-An

Not sure if this is a bug, but these guards in Roth-Roryn area are still wearing Armun-An armor instead of the new one:

- guards in Menaan

- guards in Andas manor in Andothren

- guard in Horaren manor

- guard in Omayn manor

Maybe this is intended, but it doesn't seem consistent.

Bugs from /watch?v=4XRq98qgTAI

Hello, the youtuber https://www.youtube.com/c/Mech4 has recently uploaded a few videos of him exploring the newest TR with a very high-level character.

While watching him play I noticed a few bug. I took note of the time in the video and I wrote short descriptions, but I'd expect that some of these will not have enough details to be worked on.
He is playing with MCP and MGE XE, I couldn't see any other mod installed, but of course I have no way to know the details.

Bugs from /watch?v=xd1vk7vrcZ8

Hello, the youtuber https://www.youtube.com/c/Mech4 has recently uploaded a few videos of him exploring the newest TR with a very high-level character.

While watching him play I noticed a few bug. I took note of the time in the video and I wrote short descriptions, but I'd expect that some of these will not have enough details to be worked on.
He is playing with MCP and MGE XE, I couldn't see any other mod installed, but of course I have no way to know the details.

Yamandalkal's journal topic causes freeze after closing journal.

After talking to Absolon doing the quest "Yamandalkal", if I press on the topic under the same name it, the game starts playing an endless string of Window's errors and display the following error window. After I confirm said window, I can continue navigating the journal until I close it.

After I close the journal, the game is frozen and can't be interacted anymore. Only force closing it is the only way to exit the game.

Lost in Transit: Out-of-order bugs

As per the bug title. The quest "Lost in Transit" has out-of-order errors.


  • The journal entry about "Amandian Platier should know more about what happened" can be received after retreiving and returning the ashes to Mervur's parents.
  • Subsequently, he can be captured by Ashlanders, freedom brought and taken to Arvud to return to Bodrum.


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