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Prior to discovering Discord and becoming a dev, I was hooked to the development news often shared on the Tamriel Rebuilt news page. However, since the Aanthirin release, no such posts have been made. Lately, it also seems like questions about the vitality of the project are cropping up again on other websites. So I went ahead and drafted a news post.
If anyone has preferences for alternative screenshots, please share! Also, please critique the content and language!
September 2021 progress teaser
The house of a Dunmer hunter with a hobby of gardening and a slight skooma problem. Fits ex_hlaalu_b_22.
I'm new to Morrowind modding and pretty new to Morrowind in general, but wanted to try learning the CS to see if I could help out with an awesome project.
Interior is the cell TR_Showcase, meant to fit ex_hlaalu_b_05 with a basement and small abandoned tunnel beneath. I copied an exterior from Balmora with slight modification to near Seyda Neen for easy access in testing; hope that's ok.
I made an interior showcase based on what the interior of an ex_hlaalu_b_14 building could look like.
The interior can be found in the cell named "Aa Interior Showcase"
Proposed Agenda
Future Releases
The main purpose of this meeting is to discuss long-term planning. The main goal is to remove roadblocks from the TV-SH-OW-CM path, and to make the development process as smooth as possible. DOD has suffered from us not following the proper development pipeline (assets-exts-ints-npcs-quests), so hopefully we can avoid falling into the same trap in the future. The viability and desirability of opening up Sundered Scar for parallel development with TV will also be a topic of discussion.
Posting this as discussed on Discord
Proposed Agenda
Sundered Scar Template Meeting
Part II of the Sundered Scar template meeting, following the template meeting format, with an outlook on starting work on the region rework early, depending on how the discussion goes. It will take place at the pacific timeslot, 2 AM UTC. The regular agenda points are listed below for sake of tradition but will not be discussed.
First time submtting a showcase, moderatly experienced with the CS. Interior is named "SHOWCASE", based on hlaalu building 22.
Hey folks, I just wanted to know if there are some missing meshes from the download or if they're located in another mod somewhere? I installed with no issues, but on launch I get warnings for:
additionally, if I mess with changing faces in character creation, there are other unloaded meshes for faces which causes the character creator to crash. I have the tr\f directory from getting the hotfix, but I'm unsure where these other meshes are supposed to be located. Thanks in advance.
Proposed Agenda
Sundered Scar Template Meeting
While the usual agenda points are listed below as is tradition, this meeting will follow the template meeting format, focused on Sundered Scar, with an outlook on starting work on the region rework early, depending on how the discussion goes. It will take place at the pacific timeslot, 2 AM UTC.
I was checking on a model to work on next, but I'm not sure why people are pulling up all the old stuff on the asset browser. But since the search function is mostly dead for me (like applying only models doesn't work or something else in general) I can't really find anything now. Usually I just check the first few pages if there is anything worthwhile. Can someone maybe bump the models in need back up. Thanks.
Proposed Agenda
Discussing broader indoril region and city planning with an eye on some early redos.
Evaluating the scope of the Thirr Valley release
Evaluating the status of Kartur
If the former point is finished, evaluating if there is an Indoril region that can be fixed alongside TVs post-dod/pre-Narsis development.
My first attempt at an interior showcase. Basic concept is the home of an apprentice alchemist.
Edit: Updated with post-review v6 with super-fixed load doors.
Proposed Agenda
Dominions of Dust
Aside from the usual check for anything release-critical that needs discussion, the plan is to take a look at DoD and in particular SVM progress to see where we stand and how we can best move forward.
Here is my attempt at creating a showcase-worthy interior from an unreleased personal mod. The cell is called "Vivec, Redoran Bathhouse".
Hello TR team. I've been a fan of your work for a very long time and would like to contribute. Here is my approval as a quest dev on the PT forums, and attached is final version of the quest I submitted. You'll want to talk to the Nord Silver-Back in the northern orc camp. The location of my Wrothgarian mountains is northeast of dagon fel. Thanks!
Proposed Agenda
Dominions of Dust
Aside from the usual check for anything release-critical that needs discussion, the plan is to take a look at DoD and in particular SVM progress to see where we stand and how we can best move forward.
Proposed Agenda
Dominions of Dust
Anything release-critical that needs immediate attention?
I think that I have covered all of the requirements for an interior showcase, so I am submitting mine here.
Proposed Agenda
Dominions of Dust
Anything release-critical that needs immediate attention?
What are tongs?
Preamble and disclaimers
This is a list of proposed edits to the current faction and region docs following a series of back and forth arguments on the topic of the first council on discord.
As some questions came up about the Caldera Mining Company on Discord, I decided to do my homework for once and sift through the source material. I might still have missed something or gotten something wrong, so please do correct me where you see an error.
Discussing cross-province armor and weapon stats
Atrayonis posted the last armor stats spreadsheet on the meeting channel. Phenoix12 exported all weapon and armor stats from the CS and said he would work on the files. Jackimoff will contribute the previous armor spreadsheet.